Otoplasty - Ear Surgery

La cirugía de orejas, conocida técnicamente como Otoplastía, es un procedimiento quirúrgico realizado para llevar las orejas prominentes más cerca de la cabeza o para reducir el tamaño de las orejas. También esta cirugía puede reconstruir pérdidas parciales de tejidos secundario a heridas, plegamientos “raros” de la oreja o ausencia de plegamientos naturales y curvas naturales del pabellón auricular y lóbulos auriculares grandes o deformidades del mismo.
Type of anesthesia:
Local anesthesia and sedation
Procedure duration:
Approximately 60 minutes
Duration of results:
Discharge the same day of surgery (ambulatory surgery) Recovery from 10 to 14 days Definitive result after approximately 3 months.
This surgery is usually performed on children from 4 to 14 years old, however it is also performed on adults. Ears are almost fully grown by the age of 4, so performing surgery at this age can prevent children from being teased in infancy. There are multiple otoplasty techniques that Dr. Espinosa uses, one of the most common is to make a small incision behind the ear and through this incision sculpt the cartilage to create a natural and aesthetically favorable shape of the ear.